San Marino. Attack on freedom ‘to vote: the Investigation of the Court filed because omerta’.

San Marino. Attack on freedom ‘to vote: the Investigation of the Court filed because omerta’.

SAN MARINO. Omerta on vote trading and the court and forced to store: over a dozen persons summoned and questioned by prosecutors, but though many say they have seen, no one wants to admit that they have accepted money or favors in exchange for the vote where this was worth between yes and no a couple of hundred euro. “The money they offered me? But that was just a joke, “someone is justified. And so, 10 months after initiation of the investigation on the assassination to the freedom to vote, the commissioner of law Laura Di Bona closes investigation with storage, but not without bitter notes in the reasons: Unable to investigate in an atmosphere of omerta , suggests, and without tools (such as the coveted interceptions) that sconfessino silence and reticence. Archived also cases of illegal propaganda. (…) Many of those who say they have seen no one who admits the exchange and the money, of course, do not lie. “But what money, it was just a joke,” he defends a voter. And most of them do not only minimizes but does not confirm. And so, with no interceptions, he witnesses, the investigation ends up in the bin. Archived also cases of abusive propaganda: from the most striking of the candidate of pDCs whose “holy” were posted prematurely even on the bulletin board of the Elections Office, to the more “media”, the king of the kitchen Giuseppe Giorgi – candidate with Psd – whose propaganda leaflets arrived in the homes of San Marino before the official start of the campaign.


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