‘Altrementi’ festival

‘Altrementi’ festival

The Association Don Chisciotte organized from 22 to 24 January, a three days conferences in San Marino about crisis and its consequences. This event is titled: ‘Crisis: toward a new social model?’.

Important journalists and philosophers, such as Massimo Fini, Oliviero Beha, Roberto Esposito, Anselm Jappe, will attend the meeting.
Organizers thanks to the Secretariat of State for Education and Titancoop for their support, and all the ‘citizens funders’ that are helping the project with small sums (which you can pay from the site www.associazionedonchisciotte.org), facing up the absence of ‘institutional’ funding.

More information are on www.associazionedonchisciotte.org


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