San Marino, telecommunications. Backwardness, for private interests.

San Marino, telecommunications. Backwardness, for private interests.

Unmentionable private interests. There is no other explanation. The telecommunications system in the Republic of San Marino, which would have the chance to be the first fully wired country in the world, having for years and years an area already largely covered by a special network physical pipeline. Yet the fiber was abandoned to allow the division of the field between the oligopolies usual. That monopolies granted at no cost, with a mentality of feudal system and administrative procedures.
This government had presented to the voters by ensuring that he would immediately order appointing an authority. In fact, nothing at all. Telecommunications of San Marino are in the hands of persons unknown to the usual fiduciary (homegrown and offshore) that continue to perpetuate the political underworld business from which the most important decisions are certainly not those of the common good. In addition, the sector has been used externally for scandals at the expense of other states, as San Marino is considered a place that gives you full immunity from justice for certain crimes and corporate tax after the decriminalization of the mid-nineties.
The starting point for these considerations is derived from the publication of IlSole24Ore the list of states – Italy is the ninth – which use more fiber, ie the number of connections.
United Kingdom


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