The financial of the Republic of San Marino will become more solid

The financial of the Republic of San Marino will become more solid

The financial of the Republic of San Marino will become more solid balance sheet and organizationally under the new regulation that is being launched by the Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino.

It is the agency say.

Providing, for example, the minimum requirements to be able to carry on the business ‘, ranging from the shape of the company’ stock with a board composed of at least three members, to a “social capital, fully subscribed and paid not less than 2, 5 million euro.

“With regard to personnel, financial need have a “readiness ‘in terms of quality and quantity of appropriate human resources, the ERC will have to’ rely on a CEO or a director general must ‘exist’ effective functioning of the system internal controls, divided into three structures: internal auditing for the business’ internal audit, compliance officer for compliance controls, risk management controls for risk.


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