San Marino Journal USA, settembre 2015

San Marino Journal USA, settembre 2015






          Where Unity Grows Stronger

San Marino Journal


                                                  SEPTEMBER 2015 – Vol 66


          Published in Nassau County, NY since
1994 and by TMS in the Republic of San Marino 
e-mail: rsmusajournal




Per la
prima volta cittadini sammarinesi nel Orange County, California, si sono
radunati in un amichevole Picnic

il 22 Agosto 2015


The first time Sammarinese citizens in Orange County,

gather for a friendly picnic on August 22, 2015


Cosi descritto:


La scelta
per il nostro Picnic non poteva essere migliore. Eravamo a piccoli passi da un
speciale percorso, creato solo per biciclette e a 60 metri dall’oceano. I
partecipanti si sono divertiti in amichevoli competizioni con bocce, boogie
boarding nell’oceano che aveva una temperatura di circa 22c. e naturalmente con
le nostre biciclette pedalando sul magnifico tracciato. Come in ogni famiglia
sammarinesi il cibo non è mancato. Il nostro Chef Alex si è distinto alla
griglia cucinando hamburger e salsicce italiane. Non mancava insalata,
prosciutto, salame, e naturalmente cannoli e dolci di ogni qualità. Al
tramonto, si sono accesi i falò e radunandoci intorno abbiamo ballato e
ascoltato con la radio classiche musiche italiane. Uno speciale ringraziamento
a Alexander e Nicolette Benedettini che alle prime ore del mattino si sono
affaccendati e diretti alla spiaggia per preparare il nostro primo annuale
picnic. Hanno compiuto un magnifico lavoro, specialmente nel scegliere la
località. Speriamo di vedervi tutti il prossimo anno.



Described as follows:


 The first
Republic of San Marino picnic was held at Bolsa Chica State Beach on August 22,
2015. Our picnic area could not have been better! We were just steps from the
bike path, and 200 feet from the ocean. Those in attendance enjoyed some
friendly competition playing bocce ball, there was boogie

The Benedettini Family and some of their friends


boarding in the 70 degree ocean water, and biking on
the boardwalk. As with any Sammarinese family, the food was in great supply.
Chef Alex grilled hamburgers, & Italian sausage sandwiches. There were
plenty of salads, prosciutto, salame, cookies and canolis for all to enjoy.
After sunset, the beach bonfire began and we all congregated around the fire
dancing and listening to Italian classics on the radio. A special thanks to
Alexander and Nicolette Benedettini for waking at the crack of dawn to head to
the beach in preparation for our 1st annual picnic. They did a great job
finding a location!! We look forward to seeing you all next year!



San Marino Journal USA

September 2015 – vol 66 – page 2


Questo particolare referendum che è
rimasto attivo, è importante per i cittadini residenti all’estero perché
porterebbe anche i cittadini residenti fuori territorio alla stessa parità di
diritto dei residenti, cioè se viene accettato il cittadino residente
all’estero potrà votare anche per la preferenza.

 This particular referendum, which remains
active, is important for citizens living abroad because it would also give the
citizens living outside the territory the same equal rights as the residents,
that is, if it is accepted citizens residing abroad can also vote for the


The Committee for one preference has posted future appointments


 The Promotion Committee for the Reference
for only one preference has notified the citizens that it will start a campaign
to gain signatures for making possible the celebration of the Referendum for
reducing the preference from 3 to 1, on the occasion of the General Political
Election, placing an end to the harmful and undemocratic phenomenon by a group of
candidates, that in the last election had heavily conditioned the exercise to vote.  

 The first appointment starts on Monday,
September 7, at 9:00pm, in the Castle Domagnano, where a public meeting with
citizens and the speaker of the Committee will give a detailed motivation for
the necessary reason to reduce the preference.

  In this circumstance, it will be possible to
sign the referendum in the presence of lawyers and public notaries. Therefore,
it is absolutely necessary to present a valid official document.

 To have the citizens express
themselves has always been a democratic fact, however, the thinking in this one
specific referendum has, unfortunately, been seen as worrisome and celebrating
a referendum in San Marino is becoming a true obstacle race. It seems too many
are engaged in preventing you the fundamental democratic exercise, which our
ordering already has.     

 So, it is absolutely important that
the citizens lean to our initiative because will certify the safeguarding of




Marino Journal USA

2015 – vol 66 – page 3




From the Director
of the

San Marino
Journal USA

Luciano Francioni





come vedete, il
Journal si è anche organizzato a poter inviare immediate notizie in modo
telematico, vi invitiamo oltre a sostenere il nostro giornale, e anche a
inviare le notizie a amici che conoscete e che non posseggono questo tipo di
informazione, invitandoli anche a poter ottenere questo nuovo tipo di


Dear Fellow Citizens,

As you see, the Journal has arranged to also send immediate information
via e-mail. We invite you, besides supporting our newspaper, to send this news
to your friends who may not have this information and invite them to receive up
to date communications in this new manner.



E-Mail Address Request

Please be our voice in spreading to all Sammarinese
citizens who have a computer to send

their e-mail address to one of the following:


the Consulate:   the Fratellanza Sammarinese:


the San Marino Journal USA:


and in the subject area: “e-mail address


This information is very important because it allows
us to reach you in a timely manner

 on many
concerns, questions, and subjects regarding citizens living abroad and in
communicating up-to-date news from San Marino



Support the Journal


Please make your check payable to Fratellanza

and note in the ‘Memo’ area: San Marino Journal USA


and send to: San Marino Journal USA, 186 Lehrer
Ave, Elmont, NY 11003



Thanking you in advance for your much appreciated support.




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