Bank of San Marino (Bac) with IBS exchange with Unicredit

Bank of San Marino (Bac) with IBS exchange with Unicredit

The choice of IBS should ‘open a door open ‘ in the Italian supervisory authority as part of a view promoted by the Bank of Italy to separate any direct link between the financial systems of both countries (see our article on page 4)

Indeed Ibs for the purchase of 85% of the shares would give Bac (no word yet on whether to Unicredit or other entity) investments that directly and indirectly holds the credit of Romagna, the powerful bank in a few years Romagna has earned an important place in the provinces of Forlì and Cesena.

With a single operation and then would remove the issue Unicredit / Bac and Ibs / Loan Romagna dictates that in the wake of the Bank of Italy has imposed since last starting 2008. To finalize the deal therefore remains pending only the decision of the Central Bank.


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